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haproxy_cfg 7.87 KiB
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  • jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      log local1
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      chroot /var/lib/haproxy
      stats socket /run/haproxy/admin.sock mode 660 level admin
      stats timeout 30s
      user haproxy
      group haproxy
      ca-base /etc/haproxy/certs
      crt-base /etc/haproxy/private
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      ssl-default-bind-ciphers kEECDH+aRSA+AES:kRSA+AES:+AES256:!RC4-SHA:!kEDH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:!aNULL:!eNULL
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      pidfile /run/
      log global
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      log-format %ci:%cp\ [%T]\ %ft\ %b/%s\ %Tq/%Tw/%Tc/%Tr/%Tt\ %ST\ %B\ %CC\ %CS\ %tsc\ %ac/%fc/%bc/%sc/%rc\ %sq/%bq\ %hr\ %hs\ %{+Q}r
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      mode http
      option dontlognull
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      timeout connect {{ proxy_timeout_connect }}
      timeout client {{ proxy_timeout_client }}
      timeout server {{ proxy_timeout_server }}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      timeout http-keep-alive 3s
      timeout http-request 10s  # slowloris protection
      default-server inter 3s fall 2 rise 2 slowstart 60s
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      errorfile 400 /etc/haproxy/errors/400.http
      errorfile 403 /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http
      errorfile 408 /etc/haproxy/errors/408.http
      errorfile 500 /etc/haproxy/errors/500.http
      errorfile 502 /etc/haproxy/errors/502.http
      errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503.http
      errorfile 504 /etc/haproxy/errors/504.http
      option forwardfor
      option http-server-close
      retries 3
      default_backend {{proxy_default_backend}}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    listen stats
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      mode http
      stats enable
      stats admin if TRUE
      stats uri /haproxy_stats
      stats realm LoadBalancerStats
    {% if kibana_users is defined %}
    userlist kibana
    {% for user in kibana_users %}
      user {{ user.username }} insecure-password '{{ user.password }}'
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      bind *:80
      http-request del-header Proxy
      acl blockedip src -f /etc/haproxy/blacklist.ip
      http-request deny if blockedip
      acl blockedreferer hdr_sub(referer) -i -f /etc/haproxy/blacklist.referer
      http-request deny if blockedreferer
      acl blockedagent hdr_sub(user-agent) -i -f /etc/haproxy/blacklist.agent
      http-request deny if blockedagent
    {% for host in groups['all'] %}
    {% for redirect in hostvars[host].proxy_redirect|default([]) %}
    {% for from in redirect.from %}
    {% for path in redirect.paths|default([]) %}
      redirect location {{ redirect.protocol|default('https') }}://{{}}/{{|default('')}} code 301 if { hdr(host) -i -n {{from}}{% if path.from is defined %} } { path_beg /{{path.from}}{% endif %} }
    {% endfor %}
      redirect prefix {{ redirect.protocol|default('https') }}://{{}} code 301 if { hdr(host) -i -n {{from}} }
    {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% if proxy_redirect_aliase %}
    {% for drupal in hostvars[host].drupal_settings|default([]) %}
    {% for domain in|default([]) %}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% if not domain.multidomain|default(false) %}
    {% for alias in domain.aliases|default([]) %}
      redirect prefix {{ domain.protocol|default('https') }}://{{domain.domain}} code 301 if { hdr(host) -i -n {{alias}} }
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% if kibana_users is defined %}
      acl kibana_present hdr(host) -i -n '{{ kibana_domain|default(inventory_hostname) }}'
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      use_backend backend_redirect_ssl if kibana_present
    {% if varnish_host|default(false) %}
      acl domain_ignores_varnish hdr(host) -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/ignore_varnish.list
      acl static_content path_end .jpg .jpeg .gif .png .ico .swf .css .js .htm .html
      use_backend backend_varnish if static_content !domain_ignores_varnish
    {% endif %}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% for host in groups['all'] %}
      acl domain_in_{{host}} hdr(host) -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/{{host}}.list
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      use_backend backend_{{host}} if domain_in_{{host}}
    {% if hostvars[host].proxy_crm_domains is defined %}
      acl crm_domain_in_{{host}} hdr_dom(host) -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/{{host}}.crm.list
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      use_backend backend_{{host}} if crm_domain_in_{{host}}
    {% endif %}
      acl redirect_ssl_{{host}} hdr(host) -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/{{host}}.ssl.list
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      use_backend backend_redirect_ssl if redirect_ssl_{{host}}
    {% endfor %}
    {% for cert in proxy_certificates %}
    frontend https_in_{{ cert.ip }}
      bind {{ cert.ip }}:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/certs/{{ cert.file }} no-sslv3
      http-request del-header Proxy
      acl blockedip src -f /etc/haproxy/blacklist.ip
      http-request deny if blockedip
      acl blockedreferer hdr_sub(referer) -i -f /etc/haproxy/blacklist.referer
      http-request deny if blockedreferer
      acl blockedagent hdr_sub(user-agent) -i -f /etc/haproxy/blacklist.agent
      http-request deny if blockedagent
    {% for host in groups['all'] %}
    {% for redirect in hostvars[host].proxy_redirect|default([]) %}
    {% for from in redirect.from %}
    {% for path in redirect.paths|default([]) %}
      redirect location {{ redirect.protocol|default('https') }}://{{}}/{{|default('')}} code 301 if { hdr(host) -i -n {{from}}{% if path.from is defined %} } { path_beg /{{path.from}}{% endif %} }
    {% endfor %}
      redirect prefix {{ redirect.protocol|default('https') }}://{{}} code 301 if { hdr(host) -i -n {{from}} }
    {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% if proxy_redirect_aliase %}
    {% for drupal in hostvars[host].drupal_settings|default([]) %}
    {% for domain in|default([]) %}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% if not domain.multidomain|default(false) %}
    {% for alias in domain.aliases|default([]) %}
      redirect prefix {{ domain.protocol|default('https') }}://{{domain.domain}} code 301 if { hdr(host) -i -n {{alias}} }
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% if kibana_users is defined %}
      acl kibana_present hdr(host) -i -n '{{ kibana_domain|default(inventory_hostname) }}'
      use_backend backend_kibana if kibana_present
    {% endif %}
    {% for external in cert.external|default([]) %}
      acl is_{{ external.key }} {{ external.acl }}
      use_backend backend_{{ external.key }} if is_{{ external.key }}
    {% endfor %}
    {% if varnish_host|default(false) %}
      acl domain_ignores_varnish hdr(host) -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/ignore_varnish.list
      acl static_content path_end .jpg .jpeg .gif .png .ico .swf .css .js .htm .html
      use_backend backend_varnish if static_content !domain_ignores_varnish
    {% endif %}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% for host in groups['all'] %}
      acl ssl_domain_in_{{host}} hdr(host) -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/{{host}}.ssl.list
      use_backend backend_{{host}}_https if ssl_domain_in_{{host}}
      acl redirect_{{host}} hdr(host) -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/{{host}}.list
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      use_backend backend_redirect if redirect_{{host}}
    {% if hostvars[host].proxy_crm_domains is defined %}
      acl crm_redirect_{{host}} hdr(host) -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/{{host}}.list
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      use_backend backend_redirect if crm_redirect_{{host}}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% for external in cert.external|default([]) %}
    backend backend_{{ external.key }}
      server server_{{ external.key }} {{ external.server }} {{ external.options }}
    {% endfor %}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% for host in groups['all'] %}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    backend backend_{{host}}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% if host == inventory_hostname or host == 'localhost' %}
      server server_{{host}} {{hostvars[host]['static_ipv4']|default(hostvars[host]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'])}}:80 maxconn 100
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% if host == inventory_hostname or host == 'localhost' %}
      http-response deny
    {% else %}
      http-response set-header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=16000000; includeSubDomains; preload;"
      server server_{{host}} {{hostvars[host]['static_ipv4']|default(hostvars[host]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'])}}:80 maxconn 100
    {% endif %}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% endfor %}
    {% if varnish_host|default(false) %}
    backend backend_varnish
      option httpchk HEAD /varnishcheck
      http-check expect status 200
      option forwardfor
      hash-type consistent
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    {% if varnish_host == inventory_hostname %}
      server varnish maxconn 1000
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
      server varnish {{ varnish_host_ip|default('') }}:6081 maxconn 1000
    {% endif %}
    jurgenhaas's avatar
    jurgenhaas committed
    backend backend_redirect_ssl
      redirect scheme https if TRUE
    backend backend_redirect
      redirect scheme http if TRUE
    {% if kibana_users is defined %}
    backend backend_kibana
      server kibana maxconn 32
      acl kibana_auth http_auth(kibana) if kibana_present
      http-request auth realm Kibana if !kibana_auth
    {% endif %}