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Commit 4697dd46 authored by jurgenhaas's avatar jurgenhaas
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Merge branch 'develop' into 'main'

Merging develop into main

See merge request !80
parents 318c5092 736a4d18
No related branches found
Tags v3.9.15
1 merge request!80Merging develop into main
Pipeline #1155801 passed
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;
* Class Handler.
* Handler for Docker4Drupal.
* @package LakeDrops\Docker4Drupal
......@@ -61,25 +61,21 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
'ci_home' => '/home/gitlab-runner',
'docker0' => [
'ip' => ($this->isCiContext() || $this->isLocalDevMode()) ?
$this->getDockerGateway() :
'proxy' => ($this->isCiContext() || $this->isLocalDevMode()) ?
$this->getDockerProxy() :
'ip' => ($this->isCiContext() || $this->isLocalDevMode()) ? $this->getDockerGateway() : $this->getLocalIpv4('docker0'),
'proxy' => ($this->isCiContext() || $this->isLocalDevMode()) ? $this->getDockerProxy() : FALSE,
'traefik' => [
'domain' => $this->env->receive('traefik_domain', '', 'docker.localhost'),
'usessl' => $this->env->receive('traefik_usessl', '', '0'),
'port' => $this->env->receive('traefik_port', '', '8000'),
'ports' => $this->env->receive('traefik_ports', '', '8443'),
'cert' => $this->env->receive('traefik_cert', '', ''),
'key' => $this->env->receive('traefik_key', '', ''),
'cert' => $this->env->receive('traefik_cert', ''),
'key' => $this->env->receive('traefik_key', ''),
'portainer' => $this->env->receive('traefik_portainer', '', '0'),
'hub_token' => $this->env->receive('traefik_hub_token', '', ''),
'hub_token' => $this->env->receive('traefik_hub_token', ''),
'dns_challenge' => $this->env->receive('traefik_dns_challenge', '', '0'),
'dns_challenge_provider' => $this->env->receive('traefik_dns_challenge_provider', '', ''),
'dns_challenge_resolver' => $this->env->receive('traefik_dns_challenge_resolver', '', ''),
'dns_challenge_provider' => $this->env->receive('traefik_dns_challenge_provider', ''),
'dns_challenge_resolver' => $this->env->receive('traefik_dns_challenge_resolver', ''),
'env' => $traefik_env,
'live' => [
......@@ -198,7 +194,7 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
'backup' => [
'enable' => FALSE,
'version' => 'base-1.2.0-1.6.0',
'version' => '1.8',
'crontime' => '50 */6 * * *',
'crontimecheck' => '30 23 1 * *',
'remoterepo' => FALSE,
......@@ -266,7 +262,7 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
$this->config->setValue('php', $php, FALSE);
// Get ID of Docker group
// Get ID of Docker group.
$docker_group_id = trim(shell_exec('stat -c "%g" /var/run/docker.sock'));
$this->config->setValue('docker_group_id', $docker_group_id, FALSE);
......@@ -439,11 +435,11 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
$extraOptions = $this->config->readValue($filename);
if (!empty($def['add2yaml']) && $extraOptions !== NULL) {
$yaml = Yaml::parse($rendered);
/** @noinspection SlowArrayOperationsInLoopInspection */
/* @noinspection SlowArrayOperationsInLoopInspection */
$yaml = array_merge_recursive($yaml, $extraOptions);
$rendered = Yaml::dump($yaml, 9, 2);
// Render the string again so that custom content can also use variables
// Render string again so that custom content can also use variables.
$rendered = $this->config->render($filename, $rendered);
elseif ($extraOptions !== NULL) {
......@@ -503,19 +499,20 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
// Ignore some Cypress directories
// Ignore some Cypress directories.
// Ignore some Unlighthouse directories
// Ignore some Unlighthouse directories.
if (getenv('LAKEDROPS_BUILD_NG') !== 'yes') {
// Set permissions, see
// Set permissions.
// @see
exec('setfacl -dR -m u:$(whoami):rwX -m u:82:rwX -m u:100:rX -m g::rwX ' . $projectRoot . ' >/dev/null 2>&1');
exec('setfacl -R -m u:$(whoami):rwX -m u:82:rwX -m u:100:rX -m g::rwX ' . $projectRoot . ' >/dev/null 2>&1');
......@@ -536,7 +533,7 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
private function updateTraefik(): void {
if (getenv('TRAEFIK_HOST') === 'yes') {
// Traefik is already available and controlled by the host. Don't touch it.
// Traefik is already available & controlled by the host. Don't touch it.
$traefik = new Traefik(
......@@ -798,10 +795,10 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
private function getLocalIpv4(string $interface = NULL) {
$out = explode(PHP_EOL, shell_exec('LC_ALL=C /sbin/ifconfig'));
$local_addrs = array();
$local_addrs = [];
$ifname = 'unknown';
foreach ($out as $str) {
$matches = array();
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9]+)(:\d{1,2})?(\s)+Link/', $str, $matches)) {
$ifname = $matches[1];
if ($matches[2] !== '') {
......@@ -820,7 +817,10 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
* Get Docker gateway IP from docker inspect.
* @return string
* The gateay IP.
private function getDockerGateway(): string {
$container = $this->readContainerConfig();
......@@ -828,11 +828,18 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
* Get Docker Proxy IP from docker inspect.
* @return string
* The proxy IP.
private function getDockerProxy(): string {
foreach ($this->readNetworkConfig()['Containers'] as $container) {
if (isset($container['Name']) && in_array($container['Name'], ['traefik', 'traefik_traefik_1', 'traefik-traefik-1'])) {
if (isset($container['Name']) && in_array($container['Name'], [
])) {
return explode('/', $container['IPv4Address'])[0];
......@@ -840,11 +847,15 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
* @param $projectRoot
* Get Docker mount source from docker inspect.
* @param string $projectRoot
* The project root directory.
* @return string
* The mount source.
private function getDockerMountSource($projectRoot): string {
private function getDockerMountSource(string $projectRoot): string {
$currentDir = getcwd();
$container = $this->readContainerConfig();
foreach ($container['Mounts'] as $mount) {
......@@ -853,7 +864,7 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
return $mount['Source'];
else if (strpos($projectRoot, $mount['Destination']) === 0) {
elseif (strpos($projectRoot, $mount['Destination']) === 0) {
return $mount['Source'] . substr($projectRoot, strlen($mount['Destination']));
......@@ -861,12 +872,15 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
* Get container details from docker inspect.
* @return array
* The container details.
private function readContainerConfig(): array {
try {
$testString = 'This is a test file for LakeDrops GitLab CI';
$filename = '/tmp/' . random_int(100,999) . '.test';
$filename = '/tmp/' . random_int(100, 999) . '.test';
file_put_contents($filename, $testString);
$output = [];
exec('docker ps -q', $output);
......@@ -898,13 +912,16 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
* Get network configuration from docker inspect.
* @return array
* The network configuration.
private function readNetworkConfig(): array {
try {
$output = [];
exec('docker network inspect traefik-public', $output);
return json_decode(implode('', $output), TRUE)[0];
return json_decode(implode('', $output), TRUE, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR)[0];
catch (\Exception $ex) {
// Ignore.
......@@ -915,7 +932,10 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
* Get default configuration for backstop.
* @return array
* The default configuration for backstop.
private function backstopDefaults(): array {
return [
- /mnt/source
- /mnt/borg-repository
- /mnt/source
- path: /mnt/borg-repository
label: local
{% if backup.remoterepo|default(0) %}
- {{ backup.remoterepo }}
- path: {{ backup.remoterepo }}
label: remote
{% endif %}
one_file_system: true
- '*.log'
- '*.pyc'
- '*/.git'
- '*/.svn'
- '*/vendor/*'
- '*/node_modules/*'
exclude_caches: true
exclude_if_present: '.nobackup'
one_file_system: true
- '*.log'
- '*.pyc'
- '*/.git'
- '*/.svn'
- '*/vendor/*'
- '*/node_modules/*'
exclude_caches: true
- '.nobackup'
# Passphase is set in varibable $BORG_PASSPHRASE
# encryption_passphrase: "DonNotMissToChangeYourPassphrase"
compression: lz4
archive_name_format: 'backup-{now}'
retries: 3
retry_wait: 300
# Passphase is set in varibable $BORG_PASSPHRASE
# encryption_passphrase: "DonNotMissToChangeYourPassphrase"
compression: lz4
archive_name_format: 'backup-{now}'
retries: 3
retry_wait: 300
keep_hourly: {{ backup.retention.hourly }}
keep_daily: {{ backup.retention.daily }}
keep_weekly: {{ backup.retention.weekly }}
keep_monthly: {{ backup.retention.monthly }}
keep_yearly: {{ backup.retention.yearly }}
prefix: 'backup-'
keep_hourly: {{ backup.retention.hourly }}
keep_daily: {{ backup.retention.daily }}
keep_weekly: {{ backup.retention.weekly }}
keep_monthly: {{ backup.retention.monthly }}
keep_yearly: {{ backup.retention.yearly }}
prefix: 'backup-'
- repository
- archives
check_last: 3
prefix: 'backup-'
- name: repository
- name: archives
check_last: 3
- name: drupal
hostname: mariadb
port: 3306
username: drupal
password: drupal
options: '--skip-comments --no-tablespaces'
- echo "`date` - Starting backup"
- echo "`date` - Finished backup"
- name: drupal
hostname: mariadb
port: 3306
username: drupal
password: drupal
options: '--skip-comments --no-tablespaces'
- echo "`date` - Starting backup"
- echo "`date` - Finished backup"
{% if alerta is defined %}
- echo -n '{"service":[""],"resource":"{{ HOST_NAME|default('unknown') }}","event":"Borg {configuration_filename}","value":"{repository}","text":"Borg {configuration_filename}","rawData":"{output}"}' | nc -u -w1 alerta {{ alerta.proxy_port|default(20002) }}
- echo -n '{"service":[""],"resource":"{{ HOST_NAME|default('unknown') }}","event":"Borg {configuration_filename}","value":"{repository}","text":"Borg {configuration_filename}","rawData":"{output}"}' | nc -u -w1 alerta {{ alerta.proxy_port|default(20002) }}
{% endif %}
{{ backup.crontime }} PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/bin/borgmatic --stats -v 0 2>&1 && curl -fsS --retry 5 --retry-delay 9 -o /dev/null {{ backup.healthckeck_url.backup }}
{{ backup.crontimecheck }} PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/bin/borgmatic --check -v 0 2>&1 && curl -fsS --retry 5 --retry-delay 9 -o /dev/null {{ backup.healthckeck_url.check }}
{{ backup.crontime }} PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/local/bin/borgmatic --stats -v 0 2>&1 && curl -fsS --retry 5 --retry-delay 9 -o /dev/null {{ backup.healthckeck_url.backup }}
{{ backup.crontimecheck }} PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin /usr/local/bin/borgmatic --check -v 0 2>&1 && curl -fsS --retry 5 --retry-delay 9 -o /dev/null {{ backup.healthckeck_url.check }}
......@@ -586,6 +586,9 @@ services:
image: '{{ cypress.version }}'
- CYPRESS_baseUrl={{ projectprotocol }}://{{ projectdomain }}{{ projectport }}
{% if mailpit.enable %}
- CYPRESS_mailpitUrl={{ projectprotocol }}://mailpit-{{ projectdomain }}{{ projectport }}
{% endif %}
{% if mailhog.enable %}
- CYPRESS_mailhogUrl={{ projectprotocol }}://mailhog-{{ projectdomain }}{{ projectport }}
{% endif %}
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ else
docker run -u 1000:$(stat -c "%g" /var/run/docker.sock) --rm --name=${NAME} \
--network {{ projectname }}_default \
--env CYPRESS_baseUrl=http://apache \
--env CYPRESS_mailpitUrl=http://mailpit:8025 \
--env CYPRESS_mailhogUrl=http://mailhog:8025 \
--env PHP_CONTAINER={{ projectname }}-php-1 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
0% Loading or .
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