This is a composer plugin which prepares your local development environment for Docker using the framework from [Docker4Drupal]( by [Wodby](
## Requirements
Your development workstation needs to be prepared once, so that Docker and its components are available for all of your future projects. The instructions here have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04:
- [Install Docker Engine](
sudo apt-get install docker-engine
- [Install Docker Compose](
sudo pip install docker-compose
- Name the group and add your user to it
sudo groupadd -r -g 82 www-docker
sudo usermod -a -G www-docker $(id -un)

sudo usermod -a -G docker $(id -un)
# logout and re-login again to make these changes effective
## Installation in your Drupal project
This is a composer plugin and therefore can be used in composer based Drupal installations only. If you're using the latest version of the [D8 Project Template](, this docker4drupal plugin will be installed automatically as a dependency of the [Composer Plugin for Drupal 8 Project Template](
In all other cases, simply install it by typing
composer require lakedrops/docker4drupal
This will install and configure all required files so that you can launch your Docker environment straight away without any additional settings. The actions being taken:
- Create and configure **docker-compose.yml** in your project root
- Create and configure **settings.docker.php** in your settings directory
- Modify your **settings.php** to load **settings.docker.php** if available
- Create Drush settings, aliases and shell-aliases in a `drush` subdirectory of the current directory
- Configure and (re)start a single Docker [Traefik]( service in the `~/.traefik` directory which serves as a proxy for any number of parallel running Docker4Drupal projects
- Add those new files to **.gitignore** as you usually don't want them to be committed
## Usage
### Starting the Docker containers
cd /path/of/project/root

docker-compose up -d
### Stopping the Docker containers
cd /path/of/project/root

docker-compose stop
### Access the services
The following services are available in your browser while the Docker containers are up and running:
- Dashboard: http://docker.localhost:8080
- Drupal site: http://[PROJECTNAME].docker.localhost:8000
- PhpMyAdmin: http://pma.[PROJECTNAME].docker.localhost:8000
- Mailhog http://mailhog.[PROJECTNAME].docker.localhost:8000
- Solr http://solr.[PROJECTNAME].docker.localhost:8000
- Node http://front.[PROJECTNAME].docker.localhost:8000
- Varnish http://varnish.[PROJECTNAME].docker.localhost:8000
Note that Solr, Node and Varnish are not enabled by default. See the customization chapter below to learn how you can enable them.
### PHP Debugging
By default, PHP is configured with XDebug being enabled and you should check the instructions for your IDE on how to get started with a debugging session.
### Watch the logs
Each service (nginx, php, db, etc.) provides their own logs and it is very easy to access them:
- mailhog
- mariadb
- nginx
- node
- php
- pma
- redis
- solr
- varnish
### Configure SSH access to your live site
By default, you do **not** have to configure SSH access to your live site. However, if you want to pull the database and/or files from the live site, SSH access comes in pretty handy and the next chapter about Drush will show you how to make use of it.
For the configuration of the access, you need to do two things:
#### Configure your Drush alias
In your project root on your host you'll find a `drush` subdirectory with a file called `aliases.drushrc.php` with a `dev` and a `live` alias. THe first one is configured automatically and the second is empty by default. You have to provide the details manually:
- **root**: the full path to the Drupal root directory on the remote host
- **uri**: the domain and optional base path of the live website
- **remote-host**: a valid host name or IP address of that remote host - if you're in doubt, use the domain name from the **uri** above
- **remote-user**: the username under which you can access the remote host over SSH
There are potentially more options possible, for details please refer to the Drush documentation on this.
#### Configure SSH access from the PHP container
If you SSH access to the remote host is protected by a public/private key pair, then you have to configure you Docker container to be able to access the remote host. Here are the steps you need to take:
docker-compose exec php sh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
# For all the following questions just hit enter
cat /root/.ssh/
This will show you the just created public key on the console and you should copy that output and then once go to your remote host and add that key to the end of the file `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`.
### Using Drush
This plugin configures Drush with several settings, aliases and shell-aliases that make your developer life much easier. You can either enter the PHP container and execute Drush there or you can call every Drush command from your host:
# Entering PHP Container
docker-compose exec php sh
# Call Drush command
drush site-aliases
# ...or, call that command from your host:
docker-compose exec php drush site-aliases
Even better, you can create shell aliases (see below) for your host's shell which will make that even easier:
If you have configured SSH access to your live site (see above) then you can easily pull the database and/or the files from your live site into your development environment easily:
# Pull the database
drush pull-sql
# Pull the files
drush pull-files
# Pull both
drush pull-all
### Further reading
What else can be done with the Docker environment is best described in the [Docker4Drupal Documentation](
## Customization
To overwrite the default settings for the Docker environment, add the relevant parts from this array to your composer.json file in the root of your project:
"extra": {
"docker4drupal": {
"drupal": {
"version": 8
"php": {
"version": "7.0",
"xdebug": 1
"nginx": {
"version": "1.10"
"varnish": {
"enable": 0
"solr": {
"enable": 0
"node": {
"enable": 0
Other supported values for the PHP version are `5.3`, `5.6` and `7.1`.
Once you've changed those values, run `composer update` and the environment will be re-configured. THe next time you start your Docker environment those new values will be used.
## Tipps & Tricks
### Some notes about localhost subdomains
The domain `localhost` is always defined to be resolved by the IP address which is exactly what we need to work with local installations like this. Using subdomains of localhost to tell Docker and Traefik which of the containers to route the requests to, is what makes this environment really powerful. So, you can use `http://project1.docker.localhost:8000` for the development website and `http://pma.project1.docker.localhost:8000` for the PhpMyAdmin portal of that site which is served by a different service in a different container.
There is some debate whether such subdomains are legitimate or not and Chrome/Google is of the opinion that it is perfectly OK and according to the RFA which defines that stuff. That means, all this works just fine in Chrome. Unfortunately, Firefox/Mozilla has not implemented that standard (yet) and hence it won't work in that browser without tweaking your local hosts file. Should you want to use Firefox, add a line ` project1.docker.localhost pma.project1.docker.localhost ...` to your `/etc/hosts` file on your host with a space limited list of all possible domains you're going to use.
This plugin configures the Docker containers such that any number of them can be launched in parallel. And as each of them get individual project names which will then be part of the domain name(s), you can use them all at the same time. To make this possible, a separat Docker service container will be created and launched, which operates as a proxy to route your local traffic to the always correct docker container with the correct development website.
### Defining shell aliases on your host
When you're using `docker-compose` a lot, you'll get tired quickly by typing such long commands over and over again. To simplify your shel life here even more, we recommend to define a number of shell aliases. How to do that depends on the shell you're using. For the famous Fish shell we would write the following lines in a file called `/etc/fish/conf.d/`:
alias c "docker-compose"
alias cb "docker-compose build"
alias cup "docker-compose up -d"
alias cps "docker-compose ps"
alias clogs "docker-compose logs"
alias cstop "docker-compose stop"
alias cstart "docker-compose start"
alias cdrush "docker-compose exec php drush"
Do that once, it will pay back in a magnitude.
## Links
For more details we recommend the following links:
- Docker Engine
- [Home](
- [Documentation](
- Docker Composer
- [Home](
- [Documentation](
- Docker4Drupal
- [Home](
- [Documentation](
- [Wodby](