Merging develop into main
- Add CI and composer config
- Add small animal type
- Build migration
- Build installation profile
- Build migration
- Build migration
- Shorten apbs_entities_ keys to apbs_
- Make migrations optional
- Fix bundle config Turn phone fields into custom with label and number
- Add emergency numbers
- Add allocation entity type
- Build migration for bookings and allocations
- Format alocations as table
- Format allocations as table
- Build the bookings view
- Build allocation calendar view
- Update calendar
- Hide calendar from anonymous users
- #1 (closed) Grant manager permissions to apbs entities
- migrate-mdb#2 (closed) Add more fields to contact entities
- #2 (closed) Add more animal fields migrate-mdb#6 (closed) Implement services and deliveries
- migrate-mdb#6 (closed) Implement services and deliveries
- Config update
- #3 (closed) Configure entity edit forms #4 (closed) Configure entity views
- #4 (closed) Remove list builders
- #5 (closed) Update bookings view and add contacts view
- #5 (closed) Update view permissions and add customer animals view
- #5 (closed) Add customer bookings view
- #5 (closed) Add animals view
- #5 (closed) Add rooms view
- #5 (closed) Add rooms view
- #5 (closed) Add allocations view
- #5 (closed) Add services view
- #5 (closed) Add deliveries view
- Restore block configuration
- Cleanup block configuration
- Update calendar config
- Update calendar config
- Update calendar config
- Update calendar config
- Update calendar config
- Remove daterange from bookings Use smart date for allocations and allow time input as well
- Sorting rooms and adding arrival and departure for bookings
- Add support for colours
- Improve booking views
- Improve allocation view
- Fix description
- Improve booking form
- #7 (closed) Make room square optional and provide a verbose label
- #9 (closed) Sort rooms when a new one is created or an existing one updated
- Separate events from allocations
- migrate-mdb#8 (closed) Implement public and school event import from openholidaysapi
- Fix access to bundles of apbs entities
- Cleanup calendar configuration
- Add IEF Popup module
- #15 (closed) Allocation label
- #16 (closed) Auto-fill animal owner during booking form editing
- #16 (closed) Auto-fill animal owner during booking form editing
- Add shortcuts
- #11 (closed) Show rendered allocation instead of a description field
- #18 (closed) Auto generate contact label
- #18 (closed) Hide owner field from animals and allow adding animals and bookings from the customer page
- #18 (closed) Hide owner field from animals and allow adding animals and bookings from the customer page
- #11 (closed) Configure displays of bookings, allocations and animals
- #21 (closed) Fix timezones
- #20 (closed) Provide a view with default prices for breeds
- #20 (closed) Provide a view with default prices for breeds
- Fix booking lists
- #20 (closed) Move prices from animal to allocation
- profile#1 (closed) Prepare base fields for Invoice Ninja integration
- #19 (closed) Select existing animal instead of autocomplete
- #17 (closed) Better room grouping
- #22 (closed) Remove arrival and departure fields from booking and calculate daterange from assigned allocations
- #22 (closed) Start building the form to input arrival and departure date and time
- #22 (closed) Finish arrival and departure modal forms and error handling
- #22 (closed) Finish arrival and departure modal forms and error handling
- Code cleanup and adding tests
- Code cleanup and adding tests
- #12 (closed) Implement re-allocation
- Code cleanup
- Code cleanup
- #12 (closed) Allow moving instead of splitting allocation
- #12 (closed) Update ECA models
- #10 (closed) Prepare contract entity type and entity print module
- #10 (closed) Prepare contract entity type and entity print module
- #10 (closed) Add sample code for entity print altering CSS
- #10 (closed) Enable entity print on installation
- Code cleanup
- #24 (closed) Hide date/time when re-allocation moves completely
- #23 (closed) Refresh calendar after re-allocation
- Pre-set room to the current room for re-allocate form
- #24 (closed) Add new calendar view resourceTimelineThirtyDays as default
- Update config after Drupal 10.2 update
- Update config after Drupal 10.2 update
- #24 (closed) Add owner name to each animal in calendar
- #25 (closed) View "Allocations today" for print
- Fix entity print config
- #25 (closed) Add twig template to wrap groups in views
- #25 (closed) Add list for arrivals and departures
- Code cleanup
- #24 (closed) Remove owner name from animals in calendar
- #25 (closed) Add permissions to print views
- Issue #3410547: Expose views filter
- #25 (closed) Improve arrivals and departures view
- Fix style lint
- #28 (closed) Add a cancel button for bookings
- #27 (closed) Enable/disable allocations according to the booking when that's updated
- #27 (closed) Enable/disable allocations according to the booking when that's updated
- #29 (closed) Add edit and cancel buttons on events
- Make invoice_ninja a dependency of apbs_entities
- profile#1 (closed) Start invoice ninja integration for customers
- Fix code style
- Upgrade to address 2.0
- profile#1 (closed) Invoice ninja integration for invoices, line items and vat
- Issue #3412583 by danielspeicher: Implement methods to synchronize
- Fix type error
- Fix phpcs
- #10 (closed)
- Replace "boolval()" with "(bool)"
- #10 (closed) Build ECA model to create contracts
- #10 (closed) Build ECA model to create contracts
- Add the entity key for status to all entities that have a status field and also change the key from "status" to "published"
- Remove IN interfaces.
- Revert last change
- Remove IN interfaces
- Revert changes
- #32 (closed)
- #32 (closed)
- #32 (closed)
- #32 (closed)
- Issue #3415275 by jurgenhaas: ECA Endpoint: Add support for Ajax requests
- #31 (closed)
- #31 (closed)
- #31 (closed)
- #10 (closed) Build ECA model to create contracts
- #10 (closed) Build ECA model to create contracts
- #10 (closed) Build ECA model to create contracts
- #10 (closed) Build ECA model to create contracts
- Enable more ECA modules
- Fix code style
- Add dashboards Rename enabled label on contracts to completed
- Update permissions
- Issue #3416659: Enable multiple contacts for clients
- #31 (closed)
- #31 (closed)
- Bump dependencies
- #31 (closed) Fix isVatFree method
- #31 (closed)
- Add accidentally removed code
- Pipeline test