# netdata python.d.plugin configuration
# This file is in YaML format.
# Generally the format is:
# name: value
# Enable / disable the whole python.d.plugin (all its modules)
# Prevent log flood
# Define how many log messages can be written to log file in one log_interval
logs_per_interval: 200
# Define how long is one logging interval (in seconds)
log_interval: 3600
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable / Disable python.d.plugin modules
# If "default_run" = "yes" the default for all modules is enabled (yes).
# Setting any of these to "no" will disable it.
# If "default_run" = "no" the default for all modules is disabled (no).
# Setting any of these to "yes" will enable it.
# Enable / Disable explicit garbage collection (full collection run). Default is enabled.
gc_run: yes
# Garbage collection interval in seconds. Default is 300.
gc_interval: 300
apache: {{ (groups['webserver'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['webserver'])|ternary("yes", "no") }}
boinc: yes
ceph: yes
chrony: no
couchdb: yes
dns_query_time: yes
dnsdist: yes
elasticsearch: {{ (groups['logserver'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['logserver'])|ternary("yes", "no") }}
fail2ban: yes
freeradius: yes
gunicorn_log: no
haproxy: {{ (groups['proxyserver'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['proxyserver'])|ternary("yes", "no") }}
linux_power_supply: yes
litespeed: yes
logind: no
memcached: {{ (groups['webserver'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['webserver'])|ternary("yes", "no") }}
mongodb: {{ ((groups['dbserver-mongodb'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['dbserver-mongodb']) or (groups['uptime'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['uptime']))|ternary("yes", "no") }}

mysql: {{ (groups['dbserver_mysql'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['dbserver_mysql'])|ternary("yes", "no") }}
nginx_plus: no
nsd: yes
ntpd: yes
phpfpm: {{ (groups['webserver'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['webserver'])|ternary("yes", "no") }}
postfix: yes
powerdns: yes
proxysql: yes
puppet: yes
rabbitmq: yes
redis: {{ (groups['webserver'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['webserver'])|ternary("yes", "no") }}
tomcat: yes
unbound: no
uwsgi: yes
varnish: {{ (groups['varnishserver'] is defined and inventory_hostname in groups['varnishserver'])|ternary("yes", "no") }}