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- jurgenhaas added To Do label
added To Do label
- jurgenhaas changed the description
changed the description
- jurgenhaas added Backlog label and removed To Do label
- jurgenhaas added Doing label and removed Backlog label
- jurgenhaas mentioned in commit 324c979f
mentioned in commit 324c979f
- jurgenhaas mentioned in commit heartbeat@6c1ab295
mentioned in commit heartbeat@6c1ab295
- jurgenhaas mentioned in commit kibana@70682d60
mentioned in commit kibana@70682d60
- jurgenhaas mentioned in commit java@fb0101df
mentioned in commit java@fb0101df
- Author Owner
Had to address this today, because all the log aggregation was broken because of other components being updated.
- jurgenhaas closed
- jurgenhaas removed Doing label
removed Doing label
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