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Created with Raphaël 2.2.012Feb10913Jan1214May28Jan30Nov27Jun20121110514May22Oct20Aug25Mar9Nov823Sep1916Feb74Novansible/roles/elastalert#5 Add comment for the futuremainmainansible/roles/elastalert#5 Add new default settings for timeframesansible/roles/elastalert#5 Adjust apache error alerts to only raise for at least errors within 30 minutesdevops-tools/documentation#7 Remove all redundant readme filesdocker/l3d#74 Move all documentation to devops-tools docImprove configurationansible-inventories/hosts/bitegra/bslog1#51 Fix package nameansible-inventories/hosts/bitegra/bslog1#51 Update elastalert config and remove unmaintained docker imageGeneral improvementsansible-roles/elasticsearch#15 Configure elastalert and heartbeat for xpack securityImprove installation and configuration after some experience with the framework#3 Refactor this role to use bitsensors elastalert docker implementationansible-playbooks/general#85 Quoting some stringsansible-playbooks/general#85 Name import and include tasksansible-playbooks/general#85 Name set_fact tasksansible-playbooks/general#85 Lintingansible-playbooks/general#85 Bug fixes from regex search & replaceansible-playbooks/general#85 Lintingansible-playbooks/general#85 Linting [skip-ci]ansible-playbooks/general#85 Lintingansible-playbooks/general#90 Change group names and adjust Ansible config for version 2.8Update LinksChange module pip with multiple packages to remove deprecated syntaxTurn off for the time being, needs to be fixedansible-playbooks/general#72 Always use import_tasks or include_tasks instead of just includeansible-playbooks/general#72 Go back to includes for main.yml filesPut tags alsways in quotesansible-playbooks/general#72 All includes are now include_tasks and they always have a tag associatedansible-playbooks/general#72 Replace all include with include_tasksansible-playbooks/general#72 Replace include_tasks with import_tasksReplace include_tasks with include again if used in a loopReplace deprecated "include" directive in Ansible 2.4Add readme and improve start scriptLatest version doesn't provide startup script anymore, make sure we create that ourselvesImprove for updatesGrab code from Elasticsearch roleAdd license