diff --git a/tasks/php53.yml b/tasks/php53.yml
index 4eb8367ddf94852f3b2869b5a4755637a67dfa83..5bef9a9e5043fad0fdf4d641d459cecb37f93394 100644
--- a/tasks/php53.yml
+++ b/tasks/php53.yml
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
     dest='{{ item }}'
-    - '/etc/php5/cli53/conf.d/'
-    - '/etc/php5/cgi53/conf.d/'
-    - '/etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/'
     - '/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/'
 - name: "Check PHP 5.3 Requirement"
@@ -19,6 +16,17 @@
   changed_when: false
 - block:
+  - name: "Package Preferences"
+    template:
+      src='preferences/{{ item }}'
+      dest='/etc/apt/preferences.d/{{ item }}-pin'
+      owner='root'
+      group='root'
+      mode='644'
+    with_items:
+      - 'openssl'
+      - 'libssl'
   - name: "Install Packages"
       pkg={{ item }}
@@ -32,6 +40,11 @@
       - 'libssl-dev'
       - 'libc-client2007e'
       - 'libc-client2007e-dev'
+      - 'libxml2-dev'
+      - 'libcurl4-openssl-dev'
+      - 'libpng-dev'
+      - 'autoconf2.13'
+      - 'automake1.4'
   - name: "Link Client Lib"
@@ -62,10 +75,18 @@
   - name: "Compile PHP 5.3"
     shell: "{{ item }} chdir=/tmp/php53/php-5.3.29"
-      - ./configure --with-libdir=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-fpm --enable-mbstring --enable-sockets --with-zlib --enable-zip --with-imap-ssl --with-imap --with-curl --with-mcrypt --with-gd --with-mysql --with-pdo-mysql --with-mysqli --with-gettext --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-png-dir=/usr --with-kerberos
+      - ./configure --with-libdir=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-fpm --enable-mbstring --enable-sockets --with-zlib --enable-zip --with-imap-ssl --with-imap --with-curl --with-mcrypt --with-gd --with-mysql --with-pdo-mysql --with-mysqli --with-gettext --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-png-dir=/usr --with-kerberos --with-openssl --disable-cgi
       - make
       - make install
+  - name: "Create PHP53 Start Script"
+    template:
+      src='etc-init-d-php53-fpm'
+      dest='/etc/init.d/php-fpm'
+      owner='root'
+      group='root'
+      mode='755'
   - name: "Add PHP-FPM to Boot-List"
     command: update-rc.d php-fpm defaults
@@ -109,18 +130,6 @@
   with_items: '{{ php53.modules }}'
-- name: "Enable PHP53 Modules"
-  file:
-    src='/etc/php5/{{ php_conf_dir }}/{{ item.0 }}.ini'
-    dest='/etc/php5/{{ item.1 }}/conf.d/{{ item.0 }}.ini'
-    state='link'
-    owner='root'
-    group='root'
-    mode='644'
-  with_nested:
-    - '{{ php53.modules }}'
-    - ['cli53', 'cgi53']
 - name: "Create PHP53 INI Files"
@@ -131,3 +140,4 @@
     - 'cgi53'
     - 'cli53'
+    - 'fpm'
diff --git a/templates/etc-init-d-php53-fpm b/templates/etc-init-d-php53-fpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..773d3908deb9fe0042a29fbcee347927620694f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/etc-init-d-php53-fpm
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Provides:          php-fpm
+# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $network
+# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $network
+# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
+# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
+# Short-Description: starts php-fpm
+# Description:       starts the PHP FastCGI Process Manager daemon
+php_opts="-c $php_fpm_INI --fpm-config $php_fpm_CONF --pid $php_fpm_PID"
+wait_for_pid () {
+	try=0
+	while test $try -lt 35 ; do
+		case "$1" in
+			'created')
+			if [ -f "$2" ] ; then
+				try=''
+				break
+			fi
+			;;
+			'removed')
+			if [ ! -f "$2" ] ; then
+				try=''
+				break
+			fi
+			;;
+		esac
+		echo -n .
+		try=`expr $try + 1`
+		sleep 1
+	done
+case "$1" in
+	start)
+		echo -n "Starting php-fpm "
+		$php_fpm_BIN --daemonize $php_opts
+		if [ "$?" != 0 ] ; then
+			echo " failed"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		wait_for_pid created $php_fpm_PID
+		if [ -n "$try" ] ; then
+			echo " failed"
+			exit 1
+		else
+			echo " done"
+		fi
+	;;
+	stop)
+		echo -n "Gracefully shutting down php-fpm "
+		if [ ! -r $php_fpm_PID ] ; then
+			echo "warning, no pid file found - php-fpm is not running ?"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		kill -QUIT `cat $php_fpm_PID`
+		wait_for_pid removed $php_fpm_PID
+		if [ -n "$try" ] ; then
+			echo " failed. Use force-quit"
+			exit 1
+		else
+			echo " done"
+		fi
+	;;
+	force-quit)
+		echo -n "Terminating php-fpm "
+		if [ ! -r $php_fpm_PID ] ; then
+			echo "warning, no pid file found - php-fpm is not running ?"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		kill -TERM `cat $php_fpm_PID`
+		wait_for_pid removed $php_fpm_PID
+		if [ -n "$try" ] ; then
+			echo " failed"
+			exit 1
+		else
+			echo " done"
+		fi
+	;;
+	restart)
+		$0 stop
+		$0 start
+	;;
+	reload)
+		echo -n "Reload service php-fpm "
+		if [ ! -r $php_fpm_PID ] ; then
+			echo "warning, no pid file found - php-fpm is not running ?"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		kill -USR2 `cat $php_fpm_PID`
+		echo " done"
+	;;
+	*)
+		echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|force-quit|restart|reload}"
+		exit 1
+	;;
diff --git a/templates/etc-php5-apache2-php.ini b/templates/etc-php5-apache2-php.ini
index 9f2359d1339d7cae497fcd856edd93b4997039bf..c23cca5f7db49cffceb7da21e0dcc98afdbfe958 100644
--- a/templates/etc-php5-apache2-php.ini
+++ b/templates/etc-php5-apache2-php.ini
@@ -1966,3 +1966,18 @@ ldap.max_links = -1
 define_syslog_variables  = Off
+{% if php_version|default('5.5') == '5.3' %}
+extension = apc.so
+apc.rfc1867 = 1
+apc.shm_size = 256M
+apc.shm_segments = 1
+apc.num_files_hint = 0
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/templates/preferences/libssl b/templates/preferences/libssl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4359f5f1d0e2ae53459d8c332bc4cde2de13c38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/preferences/libssl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Package: libssl-dev
+Pin: release o=LP-PPA-ondrej-apache2
+Pin-Priority: -1
diff --git a/templates/preferences/openssl b/templates/preferences/openssl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..542515aaad87695b3c31ea8c62673274295d8727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/preferences/openssl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Package: openssl
+Pin: release o=LP-PPA-ondrej-apache2
+Pin-Priority: -1