--- # file: roles/haproxy/tasks/pullcerts.yml - name: "Find out active proxy" set_fact: proxy_active_host={{ item }} with_items: '{{ groups.proxyserver }}' when: hostvars[item].proxy_active|default(true) - name: "Set directory permissions to current user" file: path: '{{ item }}' owner: '{{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}' recurse: yes with_items: - '/etc/letsencrypt' - '/etc/haproxy/certs' - name: "Sync files" shell: rsync -rulp '{{ proxy_active_host }}:{{ item }}/' '{{ item }}' delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" become: no with_items: - '/etc/letsencrypt' - '/etc/haproxy/certs' - name: "Set directory permissions to root" file: path: '{{ item }}' owner: 'root' recurse: yes with_items: - '/etc/letsencrypt' - '/etc/haproxy/certs'