From b8f1082d7258f322ef1e3f71c4878cb6e2bb4589 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jurgenhaas <> Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2017 13:54:44 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] ansible-roles/letsencrypt#4 Only redirect or deny if not a letsencrypt challenge --- templates/haproxy_cfg.jinja2 | 18 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/templates/haproxy_cfg.jinja2 b/templates/haproxy_cfg.jinja2 index c141b99..0bf23f8 100644 --- a/templates/haproxy_cfg.jinja2 +++ b/templates/haproxy_cfg.jinja2 @@ -63,15 +63,16 @@ frontend http_in http-request deny if { {{ rule }} } {% endfor %} http-request set-header x-routing-host undefined + acl letsencrypt_challenge path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {% for host in groups['all'] %} {% for redirect in hostvars[host].proxy_redirect|default([]) %} {% for from in redirect.from %} {% for path in redirect.paths|default([]) %} {% if path.deny|default(false) %} - http-request deny if { {{ (from == ".") | ternary('hdr_sub', 'hdr') }}(host) -i -n {{ from }}{% if path.from is defined %} } { {{path.exact|default(false)|ternary('path','path_beg')}} /{{path.from}}{% endif %} } + http-request deny if !letsencrypt_challenge { {{ (from == ".") | ternary('hdr_sub', 'hdr') }}(host) -i -n {{ from }}{% if path.from is defined %} } { {{path.exact|default(false)|ternary('path','path_beg')}} /{{path.from}}{% endif %} } {% else %} {% if path.regex is defined and path.from is defined %} - http-request redirect code 301 location {{|default('') }}%[capture.req.uri,regsub({{path.regex}},)] if { {{ (from == ".") | ternary('hdr_sub', 'hdr') }}(host) -i -n {{ from }} } { {{path.exact|default(false)|ternary('path /','path_reg ^/')}}{{path.from}} } + http-request redirect code 301 location {{|default('') }}%[capture.req.uri,regsub({{path.regex}},)] if !letsencrypt_challenge { {{ (from == ".") | ternary('hdr_sub', 'hdr') }}(host) -i -n {{ from }} } { {{path.exact|default(false)|ternary('path /','path_reg ^/')}}{{path.from}} } {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} @@ -84,12 +85,12 @@ frontend http_in {% for path in redirect.paths|default([]) %} {% if not path.deny|default(false) %} {% if path.regex is not defined or path.from is not defined %} - http-request redirect code 301 location {{ redirect.protocol|default('https') }}://{{}}/{{|default('')}}{% if path.append_path|default(false) %}%[capture.req.uri]{% endif %}{% if path.append_query is defined %}?{{ path.append_query }}{% endif %} if { {{ (from == ".") | ternary('hdr_sub', 'hdr') }}(host) -i -n {{ from }}{% if path.from is defined %} } { {{path.exact|default(false)|ternary('path /','path_reg ^/')}}{{path.from}}{% endif %} } + http-request redirect code 301 location {{ redirect.protocol|default('https') }}://{{}}/{{|default('')}}{% if path.append_path|default(false) %}%[capture.req.uri]{% endif %}{% if path.append_query is defined %}?{{ path.append_query }}{% endif %} if !letsencrypt_challenge { {{ (from == ".") | ternary('hdr_sub', 'hdr') }}(host) -i -n {{ from }}{% if path.from is defined %} } { {{path.exact|default(false)|ternary('path /','path_reg ^/')}}{{path.from}}{% endif %} } {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if (from != or redirect.protocol|default('https') == 'https') and redirect.paths is not defined %} - redirect prefix {{ redirect.protocol|default('https') }}://{{}} code 301 if { hdr(host) -i -n {{ from }} } + redirect prefix {{ redirect.protocol|default('https') }}://{{}} code 301 if !letsencrypt_challenge { hdr(host) -i -n {{ from }} } {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} @@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ frontend http_in {% for domain in|default([]) %} {% if not domain.multidomain|default(false) %} {% for alias in domain.aliases|default([]) %} - redirect prefix {{ domain.protocol|default('https') }}://{{domain.domain}} code 301 if { hdr(host) -i -n {{alias}} } + redirect prefix {{ domain.protocol|default('https') }}://{{domain.domain}} code 301 if !letsencrypt_challenge { hdr(host) -i -n {{alias}} } {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} @@ -107,20 +108,19 @@ frontend http_in {% endfor %} {% for host in groups['webserver'] %} {% if hostvars[host].routing is defined %} - http-request set-header x-routing-host {{ host }} if { hdr(x-routing-host) undefined } { hdr(host) -i -n {{ hostvars[host].routing.domain }} } { path -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/{{ host }}.path.list } + http-request set-header x-routing-host {{ host }} if !letsencrypt_challenge { hdr(x-routing-host) undefined } { hdr(host) -i -n {{ hostvars[host].routing.domain }} } { path -i -n -f /etc/haproxy/{{ host }}.path.list } {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for host in groups['webserver'] %} {% if hostvars[host].routing is defined %} {% for path in hostvars[host].routing.paths|default([]) %} - http-request set-header x-routing-host {{ host }} if { hdr(x-routing-host) undefined } { hdr(host) -i -n {{ hostvars[host].routing.domain }} } { path_beg {{ path }} } + http-request set-header x-routing-host {{ host }} if !letsencrypt_challenge { hdr(x-routing-host) undefined } { hdr(host) -i -n {{ hostvars[host].routing.domain }} } { path_beg {{ path }} } {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if routing is defined and routing.default is defined %} - http-request set-header x-routing-host {{ routing.default }} if { hdr(x-routing-host) undefined } { hdr(host) -i -n {{ routing.domain }} } + http-request set-header x-routing-host {{ routing.default }} if !letsencrypt_challenge { hdr(x-routing-host) undefined } { hdr(host) -i -n {{ routing.domain }} } {% endif %} - acl letsencrypt_challenge path_beg /.well-known/acme-challenge/ use_backend backend_letsencrypt if letsencrypt_challenge {% if kibana_users is defined %} acl kibana_present hdr(host) -i -n '{{ kibana_domain|default(inventory_hostname) }}' -- GitLab