diff --git a/files/etc_haproxy_update_update_php b/files/etc_haproxy_update_update_php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cf1f3b7f50baf5cbe58982fe95726d7bba8300c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/files/etc_haproxy_update_update_php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Script for the Proxy txr1 to grab domain changes for homepage products.
- *
- * @see SV-26726
- */
-$db_host = $argv[1];
-$db_port = $argv[2];
-$db_user = $argv[3];
-$db_pass = $argv[4];
-$db      = $argv[5];
-$path    = $argv[6];
-$myname  = $argv[7];
-$changed = FALSE;
-try {
-  $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host='.$db_host.';port='.$db_port.';dbname='.$db, $db_user, $db_pass, array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false));
-  foreach ($dbh->query('select * from variable where name="sverein_proxy_settings_'.$myname.'"') as $row) {
-    $settings = unserialize($row['value']);
-    foreach ($settings as $host => $domains) {
-      $changed = TRUE;
-      file_put_contents($path . '/' . $host . '.crm.list', implode("\n", $domains));
-    }
-  }
-  if ($changed) {
-    $dbh->query('delete from variable where name="sverein_proxy_settings_'.$myname.'"');
-  }
-catch (Exception $e) {}
-exit($changed ? 99 : 0);
diff --git a/tasks/configure.yml b/tasks/configure.yml
index 3ab58025c2c1a8bc908019bd38689d9672754518..15adde2fdc18a8f90122bf460980703afe9588ad 100644
--- a/tasks/configure.yml
+++ b/tasks/configure.yml
@@ -48,14 +48,6 @@
   notify: 'Proxy | Restart HAProxy'
-- name: "Proxy | Install update php script"
-  copy:
-    src='etc_haproxy_update_update_php'
-    dest='/etc/haproxy/update/update.php'
-    owner='root'
-    group='root'
-    mode='444'
 - name: "Proxy | Update blacklists"
     src='{{ item }}'