#!/bin/bash drush -y si drush -y cset system.site name "ECA Demo" drush -y ucrt max --mail="max@example.com" --password="abc" drush -y urol administrator max drush -y then gin drush -y en admin_toolbar_links_access_filter admin_toolbar_tools gin_toolbar drush -y cset system.theme admin gin drush -y en smtp drush -y cset smtp.settings smtp_on 1 drush -y en block_content comment config_translation entity jsonapi layout_builder media menu_link_content node path_alias drush -y en action config_devel content_moderation context_stack migrate redirect tamper taxonomy token views_bulk_operations workflows # workspaces drush -y en commerce_order commerce_payment commerce_product commerce_promotion commerce_store profile drush -y en bpmn_io eca eca_access eca_base eca_cache eca_config eca_content eca_form eca_log eca_migrate eca_misc eca_queue eca_user eca_views eca_workflow drush -y en eca_entity_share_client eca_entity_share_server eca_state_machine eca_state_machine_example eca_tamper group_action # eca_context drush -y en eca_development exit 0 # The following command command enables all test modules that contain models. drush -y en \ eca_test_model_cross_ref \ eca_test_model_entity_basics \ eca_test_model_entity_loop \ eca_test_model_logging \ eca_test_model_plugin_config_validation \ eca_test_model_redirect_entities \ eca_test_model_save_new_entity \ eca_test_model_set_field_value \ eca_test_model_token_forward # The following commands export the test model configs if they got changed. drush config:devel-export eca_test_model_cross_ref drush config:devel-export eca_test_model_entity_basics drush config:devel-export eca_test_model_entity_loop drush config:devel-export eca_test_model_logging drush config:devel-export eca_test_model_plugin_config_validation drush config:devel-export eca_test_model_redirect_entities drush config:devel-export eca_test_model_save_new_entity drush config:devel-export eca_test_model_set_field_value drush config:devel-export eca_test_model_token_forward