FROM alpine ARG VERSION LABEL com.example.vendor="LakeDrops" \ maintainer="" \ version="${VERSION}" \ description="An image for Unlighthouse, credit to from where we grabbed the idea." ARG VERSION RUN apk add --no-cache \ chromium \ nss \ freetype \ harfbuzz \ ca-certificates \ ttf-freefont RUN apk add nodejs npm yarn; \ npm install -g unlighthouse@${VERSION} EXPOSE 5678 # Tell Puppeteer to skip installing Chrome. We'll be using the installed package. ENV PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH=/usr/bin/chromium-browser ENV SITE="http://localhost" RUN chown root:root /usr/lib/chromium/chrome-sandbox && \ chmod 4755 /usr/lib/chromium/chrome-sandbox # Add user so we don't need --no-sandbox. RUN addgroup -S unlighthouse && adduser -S -G unlighthouse unlighthouse \ && mkdir -p /home/unlighthouse/Downloads /app \ && chown -R unlighthouse:unlighthouse /home/unlighthouse \ && chown -R unlighthouse:unlighthouse /app # Run everything after as non-privileged user. USER unlighthouse WORKDIR /home/unlighthouse ADD unlighthouse.config.ts unlighthouse.config.ts ENTRYPOINT npx unlighthouse --site ${SITE}