#!/bin/bash function l3dComposer { php /usr/local/bin/.l3dComposer.php } function permissions { chmod -R g+w . } function readEnv { if [[ -f "${HOME}/.env" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2046 # shellcheck disable=SC2002 export $(cat ${HOME}/.env | xargs) > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [[ -f ".env" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2046 # shellcheck disable=SC2002 export $(cat .env | xargs) > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } function truncateCurrentDirectory { readEnv rm .* > /dev/null 2>&1 } function restoreEnvFile { if [[ "${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}" == "." ]]; then return fi if [[ -n ${PHP_VERSION} ]]; then echo "PHP_VERSION=${PHP_VERSION}" >>.env fi if [[ -n ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME} ]]; then echo "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}" >>.env fi if [[ -n ${COMPOSER_DOWNGRADE} ]]; then echo "COMPOSER_DOWNGRADE=${COMPOSER_DOWNGRADE}" >>.env fi if [[ -f ".env" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2046 # shellcheck disable=SC2094 # shellcheck disable=SC2002 env -i $(cat .env | xargs) >.env fi } function create { if [[ -f ".init_site.json" ]]; then mv .init_site.json /tmp/init_site.json fi truncateCurrentDirectory if [[ -n ${REPOSITORY} ]]; then composer create-project "${PROJECT}" ./ --no-interaction --repository "${REPOSITORY}" else composer create-project "${PROJECT}" ./ --no-interaction fi l3dComposer permissions restoreEnvFile if [[ -f "docker-compose.yml" ]]; then if [[ -f "web/profiles/contrib/config_installer/config_installer.info.yml" ]]; then # Start container a d4d up sleep 2 drush --no-interaction si ${SITE_INSTALL_ARGS} # Init site config values if [[ -f "drush/Commands/dev_modules/dev_modules.info.yml" ]]; then if [[ -f "/tmp/init_site.json" ]]; then mv /tmp/init_site.json web/.init_site.json drush site:init .init_site.json rm web/.init_site.json fi fi # Dump database if [[ $L3D_DUMP_DB -eq 1 ]]; then git ignore "/*.sql" drush sql:dump --result-file ../db.sql fi drush -y cex # shellcheck disable=SC2035 git add * git add .* git commit -am "After site install" # Push to remote git repository if [[ -n ${L3D_GIT_REMOTE} ]]; then git remote add origin "$L3D_GIT_REMOTE" git push -u origin main fi # Cleanup if [[ $L3D_CLEANUP -eq 1 ]]; then docker compose stop docker compose rm --force -v fi fi fi if [[ $L3D_EXIT -eq 1 ]]; then exit fi } function clone { truncateCurrentDirectory git clone "${REPOSITORY}" . l3dComposer composer create-project permissions restoreEnvFile } function initialSetup { echo "Lets start a new project here ..." echo "" echo "Options to start:" echo " 0 none: start with an empty container" echo " 1 LakeDrops Drupal 9 project template" echo " 2 LakeDrops Drupal 8 project template" echo " 3 drupal.org recommended project template (Drupal 9)" echo " 4 Drupal's community project template (Drupal 8)" echo " 5 Custom project template" echo " 6 Existing git repository" echo "" echo "" while true; do # shellcheck disable=SC2162 read -p "Choose an option: " OPTION case ${OPTION} in 0 ) restoreEnvFile l3dComposer break ;; 1 ) PROJECT="lakedrops/d9-project" SITE_INSTALL_ARGS="--existing-config" create break ;; 2 ) PROJECT="lakedrops/d8-project" SITE_INSTALL_ARGS="config_installer" create break ;; 3 ) PROJECT="drupal/recommended-project" create break ;; 4 ) PROJECT="drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev" create break ;; 5 ) # shellcheck disable=SC2162 read -p "Custom project template: " PROJECT # shellcheck disable=SC2162 read -p "Repository URL (optional): " REPOSITORY create break ;; 6 ) # shellcheck disable=SC2162 read -p "Repository URL: " REPOSITORY if [[ -n "${REPOSITORY}" ]]; then clone break fi ;; * ) echo "Please try again." ;; esac done } function setupAhoy { if [[ ! -f .ahoy.yml ]]; then echo "ahoyapi: v2" >.ahoy.yml echo "commands:" >>.ahoy.yml fi if [[ ! -L .ahoy.l3d ]]; then ln -s /etc/ahoy .ahoy.l3d fi if [[ -f .gitignore ]]; then EXISTING=$(cat .gitignore | grep "^/.ahoy.l3d$") if [[ -z ${EXISTING} ]]; then echo "/.ahoy.l3d" >>.gitignore fi fi EXISTING=$(cat .ahoy.yml | grep "^ changelog:") if [[ -z ${EXISTING} ]]; then echo " changelog:" >>.ahoy.yml echo " imports:" >>.ahoy.yml echo " - ./.ahoy.l3d/changelog.yml" >>.ahoy.yml echo " usage: Changelog tools." >>.ahoy.yml fi } readEnv # Validate PHP version INSTALLED_PHP_VERSION=$(php -r "echo(substr(phpversion(),0,3));") if [[ "$INSTALLED_PHP_VERSION" != "$PHP_VERSION" ]]; then echo -e "\\033[31m ============================================= \\033[0m" echo -e "\\033[31m ERROR: PHP $INSTALLED_PHP_VERSION installed but $PHP_VERSION expected !!! \\033[0m" echo -e "\\033[31m ============================================= \\033[0m" fi if [[ "$COMPOSER_DOWNGRADE" == "1" ]]; then composer self-update --1 fi EXISTING=$(ls -1) if [[ -z "$EXISTING" ]]; then if [[ -n ${PROJECT} ]]; then create elif [[ -n ${REPOSITORY} ]]; then clone else initialSetup fi else l3dComposer fi if [[ -d /drupal/.idea ]]; then /usr/local/bin/.configIdea fi restoreEnvFile if [[ "${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}" != "." ]]; then # Setup Ahoy setupAhoy # Configure Git Hook if [[ -d .git ]]; then if [[ ! -d .git/hooks ]]; then mkdir -p .git/hooks fi if [[ ! -f .git/hooks/post-checkout ]]; then echo "#!/bin/sh" > .git/hooks/post-checkout chmod +x .git/hooks/post-checkout fi OLDCOMMAND='docker exec '${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}'_l3d /usr/local/bin/update-env' NEWCOMMAND='RUNNING=$(docker container ls --all -q -f name='${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}'_l3d);if [ "x$RUNNING" != "x" ];then docker exec '${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}'_l3d /usr/local/bin/update-env;fi' OLD_HOOK_DEFINED=$(grep "$OLDCOMMAND" .git/hooks/post-checkout) NEW_HOOK_DEFINED=$(grep "$NEWCOMMAND" .git/hooks/post-checkout) if [[ "x$OLD_HOOK_DEFINED" = "x" ]]; then echo "$NEWCOMMAND" >> .git/hooks/post-checkout elif [[ "x$NEW_HOOK_DEFINED" = "x" ]]; then OLDCOMMAND="${OLDCOMMAND//\//\\/}" sed -i -e "/${OLDCOMMAND}/d" .git/hooks/post-checkout echo "$NEWCOMMAND" >> .git/hooks/post-checkout fi fi fi /usr/local/bin/update-env if [[ -x "${L3DSHELL}" ]]; then ${L3DSHELL} else /usr/bin/fish fi