diff --git a/setup/scripts/l3d b/setup/scripts/l3d
index f7f64ed9be9da7b569dc809d3afd1b38fe8cf456..e576d0175f3221ce10be22b8009f07f981f76ccb 100755
--- a/setup/scripts/l3d
+++ b/setup/scripts/l3d
@@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
-# Credit to https://github.com/uber-common/docker-ssh-agent-forward
-# for this script to make L3D working on MaxOs/OSX too.
 SCRIPTPATH="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")" ; pwd -P )"
 L3DHOSTOS="$(uname -s)"
 case "${L3DHOSTOS}" in
-    Linux*)
-      SSHAUTHSOCK=/ssh-agent
-      ;;
-      SSHAUTH=ssh-agent
-      SSHAUTHSOCK=/ssh-agent/ssh-agent.sock
-      ;;
-    *)
-      echo "Unkown OS"
-      exit
 ID=$(docker container ls --all -q -f name=^l3drun$)
diff --git a/setup/scripts/prepareMac4L3d b/setup/scripts/prepareMac4L3d
index dd086360341990b65f8fbb192f3d5d6e75c1ef19..966971f8edbb93328ed2fe695a24036c0d520744 100755
--- a/setup/scripts/prepareMac4L3d
+++ b/setup/scripts/prepareMac4L3d
@@ -1,57 +1,78 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -eo pipefail
-AUTHORIZED_KEYS=$(ssh-add -L | base64 | tr -d '\n')
-KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE=$(mktemp -t dsaf.XXX)
-docker rm -f "${CONTAINER_NAME}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
-docker volume create --name "${VOLUME_NAME}"
-docker run \
-  --name "${CONTAINER_NAME}" \
-  -v ${VOLUME_NAME}:/ssh-agent \
-  -d \
-  -p "${HOST_PORT}:22" \
-  "${IMAGE_NAME}" >/dev/null \
-if [ "${DOCKER_HOST}" ]; then
-  HOST_IP=$(echo "$DOCKER_HOST" | awk -F '//' '{print $2}' | awk -F ':' '{print $1}')
+# Credit: https://github.com/mariusgrigaitis/docker-mac-ssh-auth-sock
+SOCATID=$(docker container ls --all -q -f name=^l3d_socat$)
+if [[ -n ${SOCATID} ]]; then
+  return
+if ! which socat >/dev/null; then
+    echo "socat is missing. Install it and make sure the executable is in the local search path."
+    echo "For help see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16808543/install-socat-on-mac"
+    exit 1
+if ! docker ps >/dev/null; then
+    echo "Docker for Mac is not running. Make sure it's running."
+    exit 1
+if [[ -z "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]]; then
+    echo "SSH_AUTH_SOCK is missing. Is ssh-agent running?"
+    exit 1
-# FIXME Find a way to get rid of this additional 1s wait
+if ! test -S ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}; then
+    echo "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK is not a socket. Check agent?"
+    exit 1
+if ! test -c $TTY_FILE; then
+    echo "$TTY_FILE is not available. Docker for Mac setup has changed? Trying newer file..."
+    if ! test -c $TTY_FILE_NEW; then
+        echo "$TTY_FILE_NEW is not available. Docker for Mac setup has changed? Giving up."
+        exit 1
+    else
+    fi
+# This is where the UGLY hack starts
+# Problem: if you do: docker run -v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:$SSH_AUTH_SOCK container
+# you get a socket file which is mounted over osxfs from Mac host.
+# This socket file can't be reused or removed because it would make ssh commands on
+# host machine to not work
+# Solution:
+# 1. connect to VM over special tty channel
+# 2. create an empty directory
+# 3. bind mount that empty directory over $SSH_AUTH_SOCK directory
+# 4. Profit
+# This makes other docker containers see the created directory instead of osxfs mounted one.
+# It also allows to create socket file under same path that does not collide with host one.
+# Command is sent over special tty channel to Docker for Mac VM and does not check for errors, etc
+# meaning it could be very "unreliable"
+COMMAND="mkdir -p /ssh-auth-sock-hack && mount -o bind /ssh-auth-sock-hack $(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK) && rmdir $SSH_AUTH_SOCK"
+echo ctr -n services.linuxkit tasks exec --exec-id 'ssh-$(hostname)-$$' '$(ctr -n services.linuxkit tasks ls -q | grep docker)' sh -c \"$COMMAND\" > $TTY_FILE
+# give some time for command to execute.
 sleep 1
-while ! nc -z -w5 ${HOST_IP} ${HOST_PORT}; do sleep 0.1; done
-ssh-keyscan -p "${HOST_PORT}" "${HOST_IP}" >"${KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE}" 2>/dev/null
-# show the keys that are being forwarded
-ssh \
-  -A \
-  -o "UserKnownHostsFile=${KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE}" \
-  -p "${HOST_PORT}" \
-  -S none \
-  "root@${HOST_IP}" \
-  ssh-add -l
-# keep the agent running
-ssh \
-  -A \
-  -f \
-  -o "UserKnownHostsFile=${KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE}" \
-  -p "${HOST_PORT}" \
-  -S none \
-  "root@${HOST_IP}" \
-  /ssh-entrypoint.sh
-echo 'Agent forwarding successfully started.'
+echo "Docker for Mac is now prepared."
+echo "Starting socket proxy."
+# This is where the proxying magic happens
+# On host machine it connects to $SSH_AUTH_SOCK socket and pipes output to stdout, takes input from stdin
+# On docker VM it launches a container running socat, which creates a socket file under $SSH_AUTH_SOCK path, accepts
+# input and forwards it to stdout/stdin
+# socat running on host machine connects stdin/stdout between those two sockets can communicate over stdin/stdout
+# This is not really reliable because forwarding input/output over stdin/stdout does not allow for multiple communications
+# at the same time. It fails when doing multiple connections to $SSH_AUTH_SOCK at the same time.
+exec socat "EXEC:\"docker run -i -d --rm --restart unless-stopped --name l3d_socat -v $(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK):$(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK) alpine/socat UNIX-LISTEN:$SSH_AUTH_SOCK,reuseaddr,fork -\"" "EXEC:\"socat - UNIX:${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}\""