diff --git a/docs/gitlab/drupal/index.md b/docs/gitlab/drupal/index.md
index 30af766ee6473fa3c208525a0d1a8d24dc99be55..12ee7cb78de2d0dd58cef2feb0b3d0b5fde2a645 100644
--- a/docs/gitlab/drupal/index.md
+++ b/docs/gitlab/drupal/index.md
@@ -192,9 +192,11 @@ you have to write the scripts for those two tasks yourselves.
 - `COMPOSER_DOWNGRADE`: by default, composer 2 is being used. To use composer 1
   instead, set this variable to 1.
 - `INITIAL_INSTALL`: if set to `yes`, the initial Drupal site installation gets
-  triggered and all DB and test tasks will be skipped.
+  triggered and all DB and test tasks will be skipped. Can also be used as
+  `[INITIAL_INSTALL]` in the Git commit message.
 - `PULL_DB`: if set to `yes`, the download of a fresh database dump will be
-  forced, regardless of any other conditions.
+  forced, regardless of any other conditions. Can also be used as
+  `[PULL_DB]` in the Git commit message.
 - `DISABLE_CI_TESTS`: if this variable is set to any value, the tasks in the
   test stage will be skipped. This is useful e.g. in a development environment
   where you push and run pipelines often but don't want to run the tests every
@@ -209,6 +211,9 @@ you have to write the scripts for those two tasks yourselves.
   PHP unit tests will be skipped.
 - `CAE`: This variable is being used by the Drupal module 
   [Config auto export](https://www.drupal.org/project/config_auto_export)
+- `RESET_LOCALE`: if set to `yes`, the interface translations will be wiped
+  completely and built from scratch.  Can also be used as
+  `[RESET_LOCALE]` in the Git commit message. 
 #### Stages and Tasks