drush: paths: config: - '${env.home}/.drush/config/drush.yml' options: uri: 'http{% if traefik.usessl %}s{% endif %}://{{ projectname }}.{{ traefik.domain }}{% if traefik.usessl and traefik.ports != 443 %}:{{ traefik.ports }}{% elseif not traefik.usessl and traefik.port != 80 %}:{{ traefik.port }}{% endif %}' command: core: rsync: options: mode: 'rlDzq' sql: dump: options: structure-tables-key: 'common' skip-tables-key: 'common' sql: structure-tables: common: {% for table in drush.sql.tables.structure %} - '{{ table }}' {% endfor %} skip-tables: common: {% for table in drush.sql.tables.skip %} - '{{ table }}' {% endfor %}