diff --git a/src/Handler.php b/src/Handler.php
index 0be678b75563a897a438c53fb0f5aeaeb587f900..7ab602ebd090029c0769646f47075b8a4117be8b 100644
--- a/src/Handler.php
+++ b/src/Handler.php
@@ -126,13 +126,26 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
         'overwriteconfig' => FALSE,
       'mailhog' => [
-        'enable' => 1,
+        'enable' => 0,
         'host' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILHOG_HOST', 'MailHog Host', 'smtp.freesmtpservers.com'),
         'port' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILHOG_PORT', 'MailHog Port', '25'),
         'username' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILHOG_USERNAME', 'MailHog Username'),
         'password' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILHOG_PASSWORD', 'MailHog Password'),
         'mechanism' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILHOG_MECHANISM', 'MailHog Auth Mechanism', 'NONE'),
+      'mailpit' => [
+        'enable' => 1,
+        'host' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_HOST', 'MailPit Host', 'smtp.freesmtpservers.com'),
+        'port' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_PORT', 'MailPit Port', '25'),
+        'username' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_USERNAME', 'MailPit Username'),
+        'password' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_PASSWORD', 'MailPit Password'),
+        'starttls' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_STARTTLS', 'MailPit StartTLS'),
+        'allowinsecure' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_ALLOW_INSECURE', 'MailPit allow insecure'),
+        'auth' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_AUTH', 'MailPit Auth (none|plain|login|cram-md5)'),
+        'secret' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_SECRET', 'MailPit Secret'),
+        'returnpath' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_RETURNPATH', 'MailPit Bounce Address'),
+        'recipientallowlist' => $this->env->receiveGlobal('MAILPIT_RECIPIENT_ALLOW_LIST', 'MailPit Regex for allowed recipients'),
+      ],
       'varnish' => [
         'enable' => 0,
@@ -613,6 +626,9 @@ class Handler extends BaseHandler {
       'mhout.json' => [
         'dest' => $projectRoot . '/tests',
+      'mailpitout.yml' => [
+        'dest' => $projectRoot . '/tests',
+      ],
     $files['cypress.config.js'] = [
       'source' => 'tests/',
diff --git a/templates/docker-compose.yml.twig b/templates/docker-compose.yml.twig
index 43f5c2695dbccfe9adf3ef40ef9c0da7b2b24c97..c427d90408cdcf157e2b934614c2ca7607d377a9 100644
--- a/templates/docker-compose.yml.twig
+++ b/templates/docker-compose.yml.twig
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ services:
 {% if mailhog.enable %}
       PHP_SENDMAIL_PATH: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -S mailhog:1025
+{% elseif mailpit.enable %}
+      PHP_SENDMAIL_PATH: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -S mailpit:1025
 {% endif %}
       DB_HOST: mariadb
       DB_USER: drupal
@@ -295,8 +297,8 @@ services:
       traefik.http.routers.solr-{{ projectname }}.tls.certresolver: lakedrops
 {% endif %}
 {% endif %}
 {% if mailhog.enable and (not drupal.live|default(0) or staging) %}
     image: '{{ docker_image_prefix }}mailhog/mailhog'
 {% if staging %}
@@ -325,6 +327,36 @@ services:
       traefik.http.routers.mailhog-{{ projectname }}.tls: 'true'
       traefik.http.routers.mailhog-{{ projectname }}.tls.certresolver: lakedrops
 {% endif %}
+{% elseif mailpit.enable and (not drupal.live|default(0) or staging) %}
+  mailpit:
+    image: '{{ docker_image_prefix }}axllent/mailpit'
+{% if staging %}
+    restart: unless-stopped
+{% endif %}
+    networks:
+      - traefik-public
+      - default
+    environment:
+      MP_SMTP_RELAY_CONFIG: /test/mailpitout.yml
+    privileged: true
+    volumes:
+      - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
+      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
+      - {{ projectroot }}/tests/mailpitout.yml:/test/mailpitout.yml
+    labels:
+      traefik.enable: 'true'
+      traefik.docker.network: traefik-public
+{% if basicauth.enable %}
+      traefik.http.middlewares.mailpit-{{ projectname }}-auth.basicauth.users: {{ basicauth.code }}
+      traefik.http.routers.mailpit-{{ projectname }}.middlewares: mailpit-{{ projectname }}-auth@docker
+{% endif %}
+      traefik.http.services.{{ projectname }}_mailpit.loadbalancer.server.port: 8025
+      traefik.http.routers.mailpit-{{ projectname }}.rule: Host(`mailpit-{{ projectdomain }}`)
+{% if drupal.live|default(0) or traefik.usessl %}
+      traefik.http.routers.mailpit-{{ projectname }}.tls: 'true'
+      traefik.http.routers.mailpit-{{ projectname }}.tls.certresolver: lakedrops
+{% endif %}
 {% endif %}
 {% if node.enable %}
diff --git a/templates/mailpitout.yml.twig b/templates/mailpitout.yml.twig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4fa8b29616b805562b98dfee919fb0832ddd39f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/mailpitout.yml.twig
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+host: '{{ mailpit.host }}'
+{% if mailpit.port != '' %}
+port: {{ mailpit.port }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if mailpit.username != '' %}
+username: '{{ mailpit.username }}'
+{% endif %}
+{% if mailpit.password != '' %}
+password: '{{ mailpit.password }}'
+{% endif %}
+{% if mailpit.starttls != '' %}
+starttls: {{ mailpit.starttls }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if mailpit.allowinsecure != '' %}
+allow-insecure: {{ mailpit.allowinsecure }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if mailpit.auth != '' %}
+auth: '{{ mailpit.auth }}'
+{% endif %}
+{% if mailpit.secret != '' %}
+secret: '{{ mailpit.secret }}'
+{% endif %}
+{% if mailpit.returnpath != '' %}
+return-path: '{{ mailpit.returnpath }}'
+{% endif %}
+{% if mailpit.recipientallowlist != '' %}
+recipient-allowlist: '{{ mailpit.recipientallowlist }}'
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/templates/settings.docker.php.twig b/templates/settings.docker.php.twig
index 3cb6b49cf1deb0b06e6ba77e92d161856ce6d40d..709248a48c6c3780c35a746fe5b7d4beca3b0e40 100644
--- a/templates/settings.docker.php.twig
+++ b/templates/settings.docker.php.twig
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ $databases = array(
-{% if not drupal.live|default(0) or mailhog.enable %}
+{% if not drupal.live|default(0) or mailhog.enable or mailpit.enable %}
 $config['system.mail']['interface']['default'] = 'SMTPMailSystem';
 $config['smtp.settings']['smtp_on'] = TRUE;
-$config['smtp.settings']['smtp_host'] = 'mailhog';
+$config['smtp.settings']['smtp_host'] = '{% if mailhog.enable %}mailhog{% else %}mailpit{% endif %}';
 $config['smtp.settings']['smtp_hostbackup'] = '';
 $config['smtp.settings']['smtp_port'] = '1025';
 $config['smtp.settings']['smtp_protocol'] = 'standard';
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ $databases = array(
 $base_url = '{{ projectprotocol }}://{{ projectdomain }}{{ projectport }}';
-$conf['smtp_host'] = 'mailhog';
+$conf['smtp_host'] = '{% if mailhog.enable %}mailhog{% else %}mailpit{% endif %}';
 $conf['smtp_hostbackup'] = '';
 $conf['smtp_port'] = '1025';
 $conf['smtp_protocol'] = 'standard';