From 0d3689d39472f57fb2b972c78925ccfa3f8813f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jurgenhaas <>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 10:52:40 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Allow to exclude roles from plays with --exclude-roles
 command line parameter

 tasks/main.yml          | 65 ++--------------------------------------
 tasks/serverdensity.yml | 66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tasks/serverdensity.yml

diff --git a/tasks/main.yml b/tasks/main.yml
index 0f377ac..9a45a39 100644
--- a/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,5 @@
 # file: roles/serverdensity/tasks/main.yml
-- include: uninstallv1.yml
-  when: sd_uninstallv1
-- name: "ServerDensity | Init SD plugin"
-  local_action:
-    serverdensity
-    api_token={{ sd_api_token }}
-    cleanup={{ sd_alert_cleanup }}
-    force={{ sd_force_update }}
-    cache={{ sd_api_cache_file }}
-  when: sd_update_remote
-- name: "ServerDensity | Install Public Repo Key"
-  apt_key:
-    url={{ sd_repo_public_key_uri }}
-    state=present
-- name: "ServerDensity | Add ServerDensity Repository To Apt"
-  copy:
-    content='deb all main'
-    dest=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sd-agent.list
-    mode=644
-- name: "ServerDensity | Install The Agent"
-  apt:
-    pkg=sd-agent
-    state=installed
-    update_cache=yes
-  notify: "ServerDensity | Restart Agent"
-- name: "ServerDensity | Create Plugins Directory"
-  file:
-    dest={{ sd_agent_plugins_dir }}
-    state=directory
-    mode=755
-- name: "ServerDensity | Copy Plugins"
-  copy:
-    src={{ sd_plugins_files_dir }}/{{ item }}
-    dest={{ sd_agent_plugins_dir }}/{{ item }}
-  with_items: '{{ sd_plugins }}'
-  when: sd_plugins|length > 0
-  notify: "ServerDensity | Restart Agent"
-- name: "ServerDensity | Configure The Agent"
-  template:
-    src={{ item }}
-    dest=/etc/sd-agent/{{ item }}
-    owner=root
-    group=root
-    mode=0644
-  with_items:
-    - 'config.cfg'
-    - 'plugins.cfg'
-    #- 'supervisor.conf'
-  when: sd_agent_key != ''
-  notify: "ServerDensity | Restart Agent"
-- include: apache.yml
-  when: sd_groups.apache != 'none' and inventory_hostname in groups[sd_groups.apache]
-- include: mysql.yml
-  when: sd_groups.mysql != 'none' and inventory_hostname in groups[sd_groups.mysql]
+- include: serverdensity.yml
+  when: '"serverdensity" not in excluded_roles'
diff --git a/tasks/serverdensity.yml b/tasks/serverdensity.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac13392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/serverdensity.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# file: roles/serverdensity/tasks/serverdensity.yml
+- include: uninstallv1.yml
+  when: sd_uninstallv1
+- name: "ServerDensity | Init SD plugin"
+  local_action:
+    serverdensity
+    api_token={{ sd_api_token }}
+    cleanup={{ sd_alert_cleanup }}
+    force={{ sd_force_update }}
+    cache={{ sd_api_cache_file }}
+  when: sd_update_remote
+- name: "ServerDensity | Install Public Repo Key"
+  apt_key:
+    url={{ sd_repo_public_key_uri }}
+    state=present
+- name: "ServerDensity | Add ServerDensity Repository To Apt"
+  copy:
+    content='deb all main'
+    dest=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sd-agent.list
+    mode=644
+- name: "ServerDensity | Install The Agent"
+  apt:
+    pkg=sd-agent
+    state=installed
+    update_cache=yes
+  notify: "ServerDensity | Restart Agent"
+- name: "ServerDensity | Create Plugins Directory"
+  file:
+    dest={{ sd_agent_plugins_dir }}
+    state=directory
+    mode=755
+- name: "ServerDensity | Copy Plugins"
+  copy:
+    src={{ sd_plugins_files_dir }}/{{ item }}
+    dest={{ sd_agent_plugins_dir }}/{{ item }}
+  with_items: '{{ sd_plugins }}'
+  when: sd_plugins|length > 0
+  notify: "ServerDensity | Restart Agent"
+- name: "ServerDensity | Configure The Agent"
+  template:
+    src={{ item }}
+    dest=/etc/sd-agent/{{ item }}
+    owner=root
+    group=root
+    mode=0644
+  with_items:
+    - 'config.cfg'
+    - 'plugins.cfg'
+    #- 'supervisor.conf'
+  when: sd_agent_key != ''
+  notify: "ServerDensity | Restart Agent"
+- include: apache.yml
+  when: sd_groups.apache != 'none' and inventory_hostname in groups[sd_groups.apache]
+- include: mysql.yml
+  when: sd_groups.mysql != 'none' and inventory_hostname in groups[sd_groups.mysql]