From f2266566b2ab1286f1f39c2862f08e917115432b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jurgenhaas <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2019 20:20:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] ansible-playbooks/general#85 Linting [skip-ci]

 tasks/msodbc.yml |   6 +-
 tasks/php.yml    | 224 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 tasks/php53.yml  | 108 ++++++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 167 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tasks/msodbc.yml b/tasks/msodbc.yml
index fe7ad3b..84bfc97 100644
--- a/tasks/msodbc.yml
+++ b/tasks/msodbc.yml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
       - mssql-tools
       - unixodbc-dev
-    - "Apache | Restart Apache"
+    - "Restart Apache"
 - name: PHP | Install PECL packages
   shell: pecl install --soft {{ item }}
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     - sqlsrv
     - pdo_sqlsrv
-    - "Apache | Restart Apache"
+    - "Restart Apache"
 - name: Enable extensions
   shell: phpenmod {{ item }}
@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@
     - sqlsrv
     - pdo_sqlsrv
-    - "Apache | Restart Apache"
+    - "Restart Apache"
diff --git a/tasks/php.yml b/tasks/php.yml
index 9896846..f0807ac 100644
--- a/tasks/php.yml
+++ b/tasks/php.yml
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
 # file: roles/php/tasks/php.yml
-- name: PHP | Apt Repository
+- name: Apt Repository
-    repo='{{ item }}'
-    state='present'
-    mode='644'
+    repo: '{{ item }}'
+    state: present
+    mode: 0644
   with_items: '{{ php_repositories }}'
-- name: PHP | Install required packages.
+- name: Install required packages.
-    pkg={{ php_packages }}
-    state=present
-    force=yes
+    pkg: '{{ php_packages }}'
+    state: present
+    force: yes
-    - "Apache | Restart Apache"
+    - "Restart Apache"
-- name: PHP | Hold em all
-  shell: dpkg --get-selections | grep ^php | sed s/install/hold/g | sudo dpkg --set-selections
+- name: Hold em all
+  shell: dpkg --get-selections | grep ^sed s/install/hold/g | sudo dpkg --set-selections
   when: php_hold_version
-- name: PHP | Install PECL packages
+- name: Install PECL packages
   shell: pecl install --soft imagick-3.3.0
   when: php_version_main|default('7') != '7'
-  ignore_errors: true
+  ignore_errors: yes
 # NOTE: If oauth is already installed and we install a new PHP 7 version then this fails and we need --force as well
-- name: PHP | Install PECL packages
+- name: Install PECL packages
   shell: pecl install --soft --force oauth
   when: php_version_main|default('7') == '7'
-  ignore_errors: true
+  ignore_errors: yes
-- name: PHP | Ensure Apache config directory
+- name: Ensure Apache config directory
-    dest=/etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/apache2
-    state=directory
-    owner=root
-    group=root
-    mode='755'
+    dest: /etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/apache2
+    state: directory
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0755
-- name: PHP | Configuration file, php.ini
+- name: Configuration file, php.ini
-    src=etc-php5-apache2-php.ini
-    dest=/etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/apache2/php.ini
-    owner=root
-    group=root
-    mode='644'
+    src: etc-php5-apache2-php.ini
+    dest: /etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/apache2/php.ini
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
-    - "Apache | Restart Apache"
+    - "Restart Apache"
 - import_tasks: php53.yml
   when: php_version|default('5.5') == '5.3'
-- name: PHP | Configuration file, fcgid.conf
+- name: Configuration file, fcgid.conf
-    src=fcgid.conf
-    dest=/etc/apache2/mods-available/fcgid.conf
-    owner=root
-    group=root
-    mode='644'
+    src: fcgid.conf
+    dest: /etc/apache2/mods-available/fcgid.conf
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
-    - "Apache | Restart Apache"
+    - "Restart Apache"
-- name: PHP | Configuration files
+- name: Configuration files
-    src=etc-php5-conf-d-{{ item }}.ini
-    dest=/etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/{{ php_conf_dir }}/{{ item }}.ini
-    owner=root
-    group=root
-    mode='644'
+    src: etc-php5-conf-d-{{ item }}.ini
+    dest: /etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/{{ php_conf_dir }}/{{ item }}.ini
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
     - opcache
-    - "Apache | Restart Apache"
+    - "Restart Apache"
-- name: PHP | Create extra directory for browscap
+- name: Create extra directory for browscap
-    dest=/etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/apache2/extra
-    state=directory
-    owner=root
-    group=root
+    dest: /etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/apache2/extra
+    state: directory
+    owner: root
+    group: root
   when: php_browscap
-- name: PHP | browscap.ini
+- name: browscap.ini
-    src=browscap.ini
-    dest=/etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/apache2/extra/browscap.ini
-    owner=root
-    group=root
+    src: browscap.ini
+    dest: /etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/apache2/extra/browscap.ini
+    owner: root
+    group: root
   when: php_browscap
-    - "Apache | Restart Apache"
+    - "Restart Apache"
-- name: PHP | Create htdocs directory for apc status
+- name: Create htdocs directory for apc status
-    dest=/var/www/apc
-    state=directory
-    owner=www-data
-    group=www-data
+    dest: /var/www/apc
+    state: directory
+    owner: www-data
+    group: www-data
-- name: PHP | Copy APC status php script
+- name: Copy APC status php script
-    src=apc.php
-    dest=/var/www/apc
-    owner=www-data
-    group=www-data
+    src: apc.php
+    dest: /var/www/apc
+    owner: www-data
+    group: www-data
 - include_tasks: oci-{{ php_version|default('5.5') }}.yml
   when: repository is defined and php_needs_oci8
@@ -112,67 +112,69 @@
 - import_tasks: msodbc.yml
   when: php_needs_msodbc
-- name: PHP | Ensure ImageMagick config directory
+- name: Ensure ImageMagick config directory
-    dest={{ php_imagick_config_dir }}
-    state=directory
-    owner=root
-    group=root
-    mode='755'
+    dest: '{{ php_imagick_config_dir }}'
+    state: directory
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0755
-- name: PHP | ImageMagick Policy File
+- name: ImageMagick Policy File
-    src=etc-imagemagick-policy.xml
-    dest={{ php_imagick_config_dir }}/policy.xml
-    owner=root
-    group=root
-    mode='644'
+    src: etc-imagemagick-policy.xml
+    dest: '{{ php_imagick_config_dir }}/policy.xml'
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
 - block:
-  - name: PHP | Apache FPM Socket Configuration
-    template:
-      src='etc-apache2-conf-available-php-fpm'
-      dest='/etc/apache2/{{ apache_conf_dir }}/php{{ php_version_main }}-fpm.conf'
-      owner='root'
-      group='root'
-      mode='644'
-    notify:
-      - "Apache | Restart Apache"
-  - name: PHP | Enable Apache PHP FPM Configuration
-    command: a2enconf php{{ php_version_main }}-fpm creates=/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/php{{ php_version_main }}-fpm{{ apache_conf_ext }}
-    notify:
-      - "Apache | Restart Apache"
+    - name: Apache FPM Socket Configuration
+      template:
+        src: etc-apache2-conf-available-php-fpm
+        dest: /etc/apache2/{{ apache_conf_dir }}/php{{ php_version_main }}-fpm.conf
+        owner: root
+        group: root
+        mode: 0644
+      notify:
+        - "Restart Apache"
+    - name: Enable Apache PHP FPM Configuration
+      command: a2enconf php{{ php_version_main }}-fpm
+      args:
+        creates: /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/php{{ php_version_main }}-fpm{{ apache_conf_ext }}
+      notify:
+        - "Restart Apache"
   when: php_fpm_socket
-- name: PHP | FPM Default Pool Configuration
+- name: FPM Default Pool Configuration
-    src=php_pool.conf
-    dest=/etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
-    owner=root
-    group=root
-    mode='644'
+    src: php_pool.conf
+    dest: /etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
   when: (php_version_main|default('7') == '7') and (jailkit is not defined or not jailkit) and (php_fpm)
 - block:
-  - set_fact:
-      phpLogRotatePrefix='{{php_version|default("7.0")}}'
-      phpLibPrefix=''
-    when: php_version_main|default('7') == '7'
-  - set_fact:
-      phpLogRotatePrefix='5'
-      phpLibPrefix='5'
-    when: php_version_main|default('7') != '7'
-  - name: Install logrotate script
-    template:
-      src=etc-logrotate-php
-      dest=/etc/logrotate.d/php{{ phpLogRotatePrefix }}-fpm
-      owner=root
-      group=root
-      mode='644'
+    - set_fact:
+        phpLogRotatePrefix: '{{php_version|default("7.0")}}'
+        phpLibPrefix: ''
+      when: php_version_main|default('7') == '7'
+    - set_fact:
+        phpLogRotatePrefix: '5'
+        phpLibPrefix: '5'
+      when: php_version_main|default('7') != '7'
+    - name: Install logrotate script
+      template:
+        src: etc-logrotate-php
+        dest: /etc/logrotate.d/php{{ phpLogRotatePrefix }}-fpm
+        owner: root
+        group: root
+        mode: 0644
   when: php_fpm
     - logrotate
diff --git a/tasks/php53.yml b/tasks/php53.yml
index d51cee8..680b8ce 100644
--- a/tasks/php53.yml
+++ b/tasks/php53.yml
@@ -5,32 +5,32 @@
 - name: Ensure PHP53 config directory
-    dest='{{ item }}'
-    state='directory'
+    dest: '{{ item }}'
+    state: directory
     - /etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/fpm/pool.d/
 - name: Check PHP 5.3 Requirement
   shell: php --version
   register: php_version_available
-  changed_when: false
+  changed_when: no
 - block:
   - name: Package Preferences
-      src='preferences/{{ item }}'
-      dest='/etc/apt/preferences.d/{{ item }}-pin'
-      owner='root'
-      group='root'
-      mode='644'
+      src: preferences/{{ item }}
+      dest: /etc/apt/preferences.d/{{ item }}-pin
+      owner: root
+      group: root
+      mode: 0644
       - openssl
       - libssl
   - name: Install Packages
-      pkg={{ packages }}
-      state=present
+      pkg: '{{ packages }}'
+      state: present
         - autoconf2.13
@@ -67,31 +67,33 @@
   - name: Link Client Lib
-      src='/usr/lib/libc-client.a'
-      dest='/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-client.a'
-      state='link'
+      src: /usr/lib/libc-client.a
+      dest: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-client.a
+      state: link
   - name: Make sure an empty directory /tmp/php53 exists
-      path='/tmp/php53'
-      state='{{ item }}'
+      path: /tmp/php53
+      state: '{{ item }}'
       - absent
       - directory
   - name: Download PHP 5.3
-      url=''
-      dest='/tmp/php-5.3.29.tar.bz2'
+      url:
+      dest: /tmp/php-5.3.29.tar.bz2
   - name: Unpack PHP 5.3
-      src='/tmp/php-5.3.29.tar.bz2'
-      dest='/tmp/php53'
-      copy=no
+      src: /tmp/php-5.3.29.tar.bz2
+      dest: /tmp/php53
+      copy: no
   - name: Compile PHP 5.3
-    shell: "{{ item }} chdir=/tmp/php53/php-5.3.29"
+    shell: '{{ item }}'
+    args:
+      chdir: /tmp/php53/php-5.3.29
       - ./configure --with-libdir=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-fpm --enable-mbstring --enable-sockets --with-zlib --enable-zip --with-imap-ssl --with-imap --with-curl --with-mcrypt --with-gd --with-mysql --with-pdo-mysql --with-mysqli --with-gettext --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-png-dir=/usr --with-kerberos --with-openssl --disable-cgi
       - make
@@ -99,11 +101,11 @@
   - name: Create PHP53 Start Script
-      src='etc-init-d-php53-fpm'
-      dest='/etc/init.d/php-fpm'
-      owner='root'
-      group='root'
-      mode='755'
+      src: etc-init-d-php53-fpm
+      dest: /etc/init.d/php-fpm
+      owner: root
+      group: root
+      mode: 0755
   - name: Add PHP-FPM to Boot-List
     command: update-rc.d php-fpm defaults
@@ -112,49 +114,49 @@
 - name: Copy PHP53 Libraries
-    src='php53/libs/{{ item.file }}'
-    dest='{{ php53.libdir }}/{{ item.file }}'
-    owner='root'
-    group='root'
-    mode='644'
+    src: php53/libs/{{ item.file }}
+    dest: '{{ php53.libdir }}/{{ item.file }}'
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
   with_items: '{{ php53.libraries }}'
 - name: Ensure PHP53 Library Links
-    src='{{ php53.libdir }}/{{ item.file }}'
-    dest='{{ php53.libdir }}/{{ }}'
-    state='link'
-    owner='root'
-    group='root'
-    mode='644'
+    src: '{{ php53.libdir }}/{{ item.file }}'
+    dest: '{{ php53.libdir }}/{{ }}'
+    state: link
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
   with_items: '{{ php53.libraries }}'
 - name: Ensure extra Library Links
-    src='{{ item.src }}'
-    dest='{{ php53.libdir }}/{{ }}'
-    state='link'
-    owner='root'
-    group='root'
-    mode='644'
+    src: '{{ item.src }}'
+    dest: '{{ php53.libdir }}/{{ }}'
+    state: link
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
   with_items: '{{ php53.liblinks }}'
 - name: Copy PHP53 Modules
-    src='php53/{{ item }}.so'
-    dest='{{ php53.extdir }}/{{ item }}.so'
-    owner='root'
-    group='root'
-    mode='644'
+    src: php53/{{ item }}.so
+    dest: '{{ php53.extdir }}/{{ item }}.so'
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
   with_items: '{{ php53.modules }}'
 - name: Create PHP53 INI Files
-    src='etc-php5-apache2-php.ini'
-    dest='/etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/{{ item }}/php.ini'
-    owner='root'
-    group='root'
-    mode='644'
+    src: etc-php5-apache2-php.ini
+    dest: /etc/{{ php_base_dir }}/{{ item }}/php.ini
+    owner: root
+    group: root
+    mode: 0644
     - cgi53
     - cli53